
Adventure Lifestyle Hack #1: Food

I have over 2,000 followers on Instagram.


I know compared to some people, that is a fraction of the number they have. That's the number of likes they get on any post of their's. However, for me... Well, gosh. I can't imagine over 2,000 people liking my stuff enough to want to see more of it. I am humbled and flattered by their following and liking my material.

Now, in those couple thousand people, I've had several reach out and ask me,

"How do you do it?"
"How do you live this lifestyle of constant adventure?"

I've thought about it for quite some time now, and here's my answer:

Giving up.

Photo by: Cassie Lewis (aka my mom)

I have given up a lot of things to live a life of constant adventure.

Adventuring the way I do, is not comfortable.
It's not glamourous.
I don't have the latest and greatest of everything... In fact, I don't have much. And most of the gear I do have are either hand-me-downs or gear I am borrowing from my mom. I'm lucky she's quite the adventurer, herself.
My Gregory Deva 60 pack (pictured) is the same one I have been using since I was 15 years old. (Quick shoutout to Gregory for being absolute the masters of the pack industry). The straps are not new and fancy. The color is not one of those newer, cool, girly colors that I love so much. (I'm looking at you, powder blue). My 1995 mini van is falling apart, and rattles so loud, that I have to put it in park in the Chick-fil-a drive-thru just so the attendant can hear me on the intercom. (Oh and that glorious new, copper Jeep Rubicon? No, that's my mom's. And yeah, she's a badass.)
My dog's backpack is a hand-me-down, hand-me-down with one of the straps poorly stitched back together and then wrapped in duct tape. My camera is not mine, it is also a hand-me-down from my father's previous photography business. My trekking poles don't match, they're hand-me-downs from my mom.

But here's the first thing that I gave up to be able to afford the mountain girl lifestyle:


Just to clarify, I did not give up food. I gave up yummy, expensive food. 

This past summer I was checking out at REI just before a one-nighter backpacking trip. 
My purchase: 
- A sh*t ton of those new/featured flavored Clif Bars (mmm)

At the register next to me was a group of kids my age. Two boys and two girls. They were talking about their two-night backpacking trip planned for the upcoming weekend. 
Their purchase: 
- $75 (each) worth of "just add water" backpacker meals


I can't ever imagine spending $75 on food for a two night backpacking trip! 

Don't get me wrong. Those meals are cool and all, but if you're a young kid like me with minimal income, those things are just out of the question. (Not to mention, they're actually not the greatest when it come to efficient, lightweight packing, either.)

There are so many other options. And just cause they may take a bit more planning, doesn't mean they're not worth it. 

Instead of purchasing a just-add-water packet. I make my own just-add-water packet. Yes, it's totally do-able! 

Do you know how cheap a bag of rice is? A bag of beans? Well, lemme just say, they're cheap, and they can go a lonnng way. 

So, here's a quick and easy hack that you can do next time you're planning an adventure!

Here's what you do: 

1. Grab some rice, dehydrated veggies, beans, jerky, seasonings of choice, (and if you are gonna be in need of a little extra energy, throw some protein powder in there). 

2. Figure the amount that works best for you and pre-determine how much boiling water it will take to cook that amount. 

3. Take all of those ingredients in the individual meal portion you had already decided on and throw them in one of those Ziploc steamer bags. (AKA, they are made to handle boiling water.) *wink wink* See where I'm going with this? 
           Note: You may want to write the amount of boiling water each meal takes on the ziploc in case                      you forget later. 

4. Throw those suns'uh'bitches in your pack. 

5. Hike up a mountain. 

6. Set up camp. 

7. Bring proper amount of water to a boil over your campstove/Jetboil. 

8. Here's my favorite part... Pour boiling water directly into ziploc! Close 'er up for 5-10 minutes, giving that goodness a chance to cook up properly.

9. Open ziploc and EAT DIRECTLY OUT OF BAG. 
                   No dirty camp dishes to deal with afterwards!

10. Seal 'er back up when you're done and throw it away in your trash bag. 
           Note: The Ziploc steamer bags have small holes in order to steam properly. Any juices left                            after your meal will still leak from the bag. I know from experience... So make sure you                          throw it away in a trash bag that also seals (ziploc). 

P.S. You can also do this with your morning oatmeal! 
             (Try throwing some dehydrated milk, nutz, and protein powder in there for an extra morning                 boost!)

When you continuously work to save money in small areas, the amount your saving slowly builds. It also turns into a routine. Making it so that instead of occasionally going on adventures, you can begin to live a lifestyle that is constantly ready for adventure. 

Happy Trails! 

- Dai

Do you have any food hacks you like to do when prepping for your adventures?
Sharing is caring. (: 


  1. Hi! I just started following you and you have a great blog (along with great dogs ;-D )
    So I was wondering what kind of beans have you used in your steam-bagged meals? We are definitely going to try this ... we live in the back-country in the high desert of New Mexico. We are off-grid and we could use some tried and true meals-to-go like this. Thanks for putting out such a great blog! Enjoy your adventures!!!

    1. Hey Suzy,
      Thanks for reaching out! I like to use pinto or black beans, those are my favorite kind of beans in general. But they also go along great with nearly any flavor you want to put in the packet.
      Another fun thing I like to do with these meals: I have a drawer full of Taco Bell hot sauce packets, they're my flavorite. After I make the meals, I'll tape a couple of these sauce packets to the outside of the bag, that way, I know I always have enough hot sauce! :P
      Thanks for the kind words!

      Happy trails,

  2. Another thing you can do is toss a taco seasoning packet in with the rice and beans. Adds great flavor :)
