
Home Alone on Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving, and a beautiful one, at that.

The sun is bursting through the windows as I type.
The birds are singing sweet melodies that fill my ears and bring a hint of a smile to my lips.
The air outside is the kind of crisp that takes your breath away and leaves you feeling like anything is possible.
My dogs are lying at my feet... and on my feet.
I have a warm cup of coffee in my hand (which is complicating my typing abilities), it's aroma making my soul feel content.

And through a series of events related to work,

I am home alone. 

Some people say that it is a sad thing to be alone on the holidays, because the holidays are about being with/giving thanks and appreciating your family. 

And my thoughts on that are: 

I give thanks every day. 
Every day I wake up and see the sun shining on my face, feel the air in my lungs. 
Every day I dance through the living room with my mother. 
Every day I share a warm hug with my brother. 
Every day I laugh with my father.  

And even though they are not with me now, I still give thanks for their existence. 
I give thanks that they have woken up another day with sun shining on their face, and air in their lungs. 
Every day, I wake up and thank the Lord in my quiet way for everyone he has placed in my life. 

I do miss my family, and I still love the foundation of Thanksgiving. (Annnd I am very glad that my dad made me a thanksgiving dinner and put it in the fridge before he left.)

But let's try to remember that every day we wake up alive, healthy, and with unlimited potential before us, we should give thanks. We are all alive and we are all loved by Jesus, is there anything more we could ask for?! 

Have a beautiful, happy, and filling Thanksgiving everyone! 

Aloha ke akua. 


Love you guys! Hope y'all are having a fun time!

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