
Days 3 & 4

I need to get better at not writing about the last half of one day and the first half of another.
But wifi isn't a commonly accessible thing.
Or maybe it is, I just don't go lookin' for it.
Either way, here we are!

Yesterday was simple, but amazing. I woke up in Telluride, surrounded by towering pine trees with soft, fluffy snowflakes falling between them. Between the pure whiteness of the freshly fallen snow and the pale, white bark providing protection to the aspens, it felt like a dream. Like I didn't actually wake up, but like I literally was still dreaming of this place. I love every kind of climate and weather condition, but that is, by far, my favorite.

Also, funny little side story, it had started snowing the night before, and I stepped outside to take a photo of the lovely house I was staying in, and being my father's daughter, I went out in my flip flops. Which, I must say, I have done many times before with absolutely no problem.

This particular time though... didn't go so well.

*Step outside*

"Oo. Chilly!"

*Walk around to find the best position to take the photo*


*Take photo with GoPro*

"Oh I think that will be a good one"


From upright to flat on my back in half a second.

*Retreat inside with snowy pajamas*  :-|

Like I've mentioned before, I need a GoPro camera just to withstand my day-to-day life... :P

But I got a cool photo right before making a snow angel!

So yeah, back to yesterday!

I said PEACE OUT to Colorado and left this lovely home and headed to Navajo National Monument which is located near Kayenta, AZ.

There was an amazing campground in the park and it was amazing. Very private sites with picnic tables on top of cool rock formations and surrounded my gnarly desert trees. The sunset was amazing! Looking across thousands of desert acres and canyons.

It also got real cold real fast. Down to about 22 degrees in the night. Trevor and I were snuggled up as much as we could be and still got a little chilly. It was kind of fun though, I like the cold.

Waking up was great. Rising before the sun and watching it light up the valley and canyons surrounding us. We also went for a hike shortly after the sun rose and got to see the hazy morning light illuminate some ancient Navajo cliff dwellings.

This photo was taken by putting my
iPhone lens up to the lens of binoculars.
They were pretty far away. :P 

Now, I'm in a cool coffee shop in Flagstaff, AZ and so so stoked to meet up with a friend and go on an adventure as soon as she gets off work! 

Aloha ke akua.


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